On 2003-08-02 15:57, "Chris Burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi WA muggers
> The last time I used ftp was about 3 years ago while on OS9, using
> Fetch. Im not sure how to go about using ftp with OSX. I searched
> versiontracker and found about 20 different clients mentioned!!
> Can someone please point in the right direction for a good client to
> use?
> thankyou and regards
> chris

Hi Chris :)

Panic <http://www.panic.com/> produces Transmit, which is another good FTP
client, with a simpler interface than most of the others.

I personally feel that Interarchy has become too bloated and unwieldy for me
to use as a daily FTP client. But back when it was named Anarchy and still
had the brown icon, it was Good. ;)

Oh well. That's Version Six Syndrome at work I suppose.
