Dear  WAMUGers

I'm now at my wits end. I have a HP 5si mx printer on a network with the latest drivers. The printer is set to 600dpi, resolution enhancement is on, levels of grey is enhanced and econo-mode is turned off. (Using the printer's own internal menu selection.) I'm running OS X 10.2.4

Five days ago it started to print out at low resolution. From print centre the correct drivers are set and it reflects that all settings are as above. No matter what computer I now use nor what software nor what settings are played with the resolution stays at low.

Today I used another similar model HP in another room and it started doing exactly the same thing. If I print out to any other printer, including similar HPs or Aficios, the output is high resolution.

What am I doing wrong?

Is there a reset button I can use to get back to normal?

Any suggestions no matter how remote will be gratefully accepted. I'm sure I have tried every possible permutation but I'm open to ideas.

Regards Eugene