Hi all,

This is slightly off topic however I remember a while
back where a spammer from a "Biomedic Therapies"
business harvested the groups email addresses. I also
remember a few people on the list were researching
spam and working towards finding ways to prevent it
and all that. I can't remember who those people are
and given that it was quite a while ago I don't want
to bother anyone offlist if they don't want to worry
about it now.

I am having issues with spam, I know a lot of people
suffer this everyday, but I recieved about 14 emails
from different people for the same company in about 4
days. Its the only spam I get and its very annoying,
its for a drug company that offers you prescription
medication over the internet without seeing a doctor. 

None of the spammers had unsubscribe type links,
understandable seeing as its hopefully only a one off,
and the website that claims that none of this was
unsolicited has a link to a form where you can report
a spammer if you think it was, however none of the
forms seemed to work for me. It could be a Mac problem
I suppose but the whole business seems dodgy. 

If there is anyone out there who knows about spam,
laws regarding it and can give me some advice
regarding it, I'd really like to talk to someone off
list about how they gather addresses and what can be
done, legal issues that the company could face and
things like that. Its something I'd like to do
something about.

Thanks for bothering with my rant.

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