Thanks all for the response, for some reason its taken
a while to get my messages through from this address,
maybe it thinks it is a spam address, unfortunately
there's not much I can about it, I'm stuck using this
one until I find an ISP I'm happy with.

The email problem with "The end of file was reached"
message has been solved. It turns out Richard was
indeed correct, someone had sent me two 82mb files
that were playing havoc with my poor Mac when it tried
to download them.

Montiors: It seems the general agreement is that while
I can't get dual montiors going I can get a VGA
adaptor and plug in a second montior that will at
least let me check colours. I will look into Martin's
suggestion of the Screen Spanning Doctor and see if my
Mac is suitable for it. I need to be particularly
careful with a work machine.

Spam, well, there is no solution, not yet anyway, but
I guess until people actually get in there and really
do something about it there isn't anything that can be
done, and even then there is a limmited number of
possible solutions. I don't mind the number of spam
messages I get so much, it is a small number compared
to most, what I do mind is that they are all from
different people advertising the same company, and a
somewhat dodgy company at that. That's the joy of
technology I suppose, when everyone starts embracing
it the everybody includes nice people as well as
spammers, hackers and other people who spend their
lives trying to annoy people. 

Thanks for all the feedback, this list always has been
a big help to me in the past.

My last question, I tried to fill in an online
application form for membership yesterday, I can't
attend meetings, I can't get babysitting on Tuesday
nights, so I need to do the application online but it
wouldn't let me submit the form, I just kept getting
an error: "Not Found The requested URL
/join/join_form_thanks.html was not found on this

Is there any way around this and if not can I get a
membership appplication mailed out to me?

Thanks again,
Kelly Duffy

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