
On the PC, I use the menu option "Window --> Workspace --> Reset Palette
Locations" -  this 'should' reposition palette windows to within your
system identified monitor screen size ?


Mark Scholmann
Internet Analyst

Direct phone : (08) 9340 5232

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Secker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WAMUG Mailing List" <>
Sent: Thursday, 4 September 2003 12:52
Subject: help! one for the Photoshop gurus

> just came across something weird with Photoshop (PS 7 on OS X)...
> Normally I have my PowerBook at home and plugged in to a 21" monitor
> that sits to the left (remember "to the left" - sounds trivial but is
> important) of my PB - as this monitor is somewhat old and a bit faded
> I use this for my menus etc and have the picture I'm working on
> displayed in the PowerBooks screen.
> I went to a users office to do some quick photoshoping for something
> they need to get to a publisher and came across a very curious
> problem.
> I started the Powerbook without the second monitor (obviously)  and
> launched Photoshop and while the toolbars and pallets where now
> located on the built in,  now only, screen when ever I tried to pull
> up the layer blend window or the layer effect window it was off on to
> the now non existent monitor.
> I tried "detect monitors"  but the powerbook knew there was only the
> internal so it was obviously a photoshop issue.
> tried Photoshop's  view menu options and changing the resolution but
> no mater what the "lost" windows would not come back.
> In the end plugged in my powerbook in to the users monitor -
> fortunately they had a Apple LCD so correct monitor plug and the
> external monitor appeared and arrange by the system to the right of
> the built in screen... but still no layer pallet until I rearranged
> the external monitor in the control panel so it was logically to the
> left.... bingo... dragged it back to the internal monitor then
> unplugged the external so he could use his mac again.
> just got me thinking  - what if next time there isn't a spare monitor
> or I don't have my apple to vga adaptor?
> Just how would I get this pallet back then?
> --
> ~
> ph#9380 1855 (ECEL)
> ECEL Computer Support Officer, University of Western Australia.
> CRICOS Provider No. 00126G
> ~
> "'We are all children of $root'
> or so says a wise old programer..."
> Anon.
> "There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and
> UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
> -- Jeremy S. Anderson
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