*said while holding everything that could come close
to being wood*

I can't for the life of me remember who it was who
forwarded the article for me, but with all the serious
problems, memory problems, losing the startup disk,
errors found constantly with Disk Warrior and Disk
First Aid, the system errors, the nasty ones with no
message aoart from "System Error, Restart" and the
little bomb, constant programs crashing, the whole
computer freezing, that horrible flashing Mac face and
folder with a question mark icon on start up, and the
other problems, I was sure a reformat was going to be

Now, the person who sent me that article could very
well have struck the nail on the head. I didn't think
anything of it, I had shut down the computer overnight
after repairing it with Disk Warrior only to find the
same problems all starting the next day. But last
night I unplugged it, I left it unplugged over night
and now nearly three hours of working time later I
haven't had a single problem, not even anything
slightly sluggish or hinting at a problem.

I realise its early days now, it had had times where
it seemed to work just fine for long periods but it
wasn't working this fine. All these pages I couldn't
open in IE without running out of memory all open at
once without a problem! I can run most of my apps at
the same time! The Mac is being nice to me. Now I have
no idea how unplugging the computer could possibly
help, I would have thought turning it off would have
done the same thing, maybe it was all the praying and
sacrifices to the God of Computers, it will be awfully
quiet without my firstborn running around but hey...
Or maybe unplugging it really did fix it. Has anyone
else found this to be the case or does anyone know why
unplugging it could possibly help? 

Either way, thankyou to the person who suggested that,
the most simple thing that I had never even
considered. Of course, I have still backed up
everything I could just in case but all is looking

Also, where are the recent archives now? I looked up
the link from the WAMUG website and found From early
October back but nothing new since the list moving.
Are the archives no longer being saved or is it a
transitional thing or am I just going to the wrong

Cheers, and thanks again to whoever it was who may
have solved my problem.


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