Someone was going to buy the following but problems arose and the sale fell through. If anyone is interested in it I am asking $3,200 ONO or trade down for a decent laptop model with a cash adjustment.

Apple G4 (mirrored doors) 1GHZ CPU, 60GB hard drive, 750MB RAM, CD ROM burner / DVD player - 6 months old ; 17 inch Viewmaster monitor (menu controlled) - 1 year old ; Epson Stylus PHOTO 830 printer (photo quality prints) - 5 months old ; wooden computer desk from Harvey Norman - 1 year old. Will also install OSX, some 3D software (not pirated - runs under OS9) and any bits and pieces I find.

All are in extremely good condition.

Phone: 9330-4139


Brad Helden

Japanese Culture Consultant
Graphic Designer & Typesetter
Japanese Typesetting & Translation

Perth, Western Australia

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