Hi 'Muggers

Have been having some trouble over the past few weeks with connection drop
outs and the occasional inability to connect to my ISP.  Telstra assures me
there are no issues with the line, but the problem seems to have only
started after Telstra completed some line work near our place recently.

To gear myself up for an argument, I want to be able to quantify the
magnitude of the problem in terms of a record of lost connections or
inability to connect to my ISP - but I can't seem to find a connection log
with any call info (there is a connection log in Internet Connect, but it
only brings up a blank dialogue box).

I'm using a G3 Powerbook, OS10.2 connecting to my ISP wirelessly via the
modem in a 'snow' Airport base station.

Can anyone help?  Before OSX I used Apple Remote Access to dial in with and
was able to see a record of each dialup, so I'm sure there must be a log of
calls somewhere.

You could always go to look at your bill online on the Telstra site, download the information and count how many phone calls you've made to the ISP's number and their duration.

The reason nothing appears in Internet Connect is that in your case it's the base station doing the connecting, not the Mac. You may be able to find some form of call log from the base station using the Airport utility, but the Mac will most likely only log the ethernet coming up and it setting up DHCP, which happens when it's connected to the base station, rather than when the base station dials up.

Have fun,
=========================== Shay  Telfer ================================
 Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper, race the
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