On Monday, October 27, 2003, at 11:34  AM, Richard Kay wrote:


When I think about it ... I copied a paragraph of text from the BigPlod Support Page and pasted it into my message of reply to Neil.

I wonder if that caused the problem? Maybe what I was pasting was more than plain text or at least interpreted by the mail software as more than plain text? Does that make sense?

I've recently experienced similar errors with the wamug server when using Mail and copy 'n' paste from a supposed "plain text" file. At first I suspected some rich text formatting had sneaked into the email so I set about trying to weed it out. After MUCH trial and error, it appeared the server was having problems with my automated signature (the text only bit beginning with the "--------" that can be seen at the bottom of this email too). When I dropped the signature the email went through. Interestingly, when I sent another post later in the day which also contained the signature, the server had no problems accepting it. No way though could I get the server to accept the message which had BOTH the copy 'n' paste text AND the signature. I must have tried a dozen or more times with various snipped and edited versions. I can't offer an explanation as to why this was the case and I realise it probably doesn't offer much in the way of an answer to your post, but personally, I simply added it to the ever growing pile of weirdness I have witnessed since upgrading to 10.2.8. I can't wait to pick up my copy of Panther and be rid of this final 10.2 version.

Regards, Matt.

Matt Huitson
Dept of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
Work: +61 89380 3639
Mobile: 0414 294 770