Hello WAMUGgers
Please consider this opportunity to buy a nice computer, forwarded from GMUG mailing list. I can personally recommend it as a really nice computer.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Karen Cowie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun Nov 9, 2003  12:58:42 pm Australia/Perth
To: Reg Whitely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A favour

Would you be able to forward my for sale on the computer to the WAMUG list? Someone out there might be interested in buying it.

Details are:

It is a blueberry iMac, 3yo.
Features are 15 inch screen, 350mHz G3 processor, 64 MB RAM (can take up to 512), 6GB hard drive,ethernet, USB, (no firewire, sorry) will support airport, slot-loading CD drive. And I have all original CD's to go with it.
Best offer!!! It is a good machine.
I can box it up and send it to the happy buyer.

Thanks Reg!!!