We can now welcome you to the NEW Zytech online store.

There's still quite a lot to be added to the site and a number of
cosmetic changes and additions but it is live and there are a number of
opening specials -

Special # 1 - 200GB Combo FW 800/400 & USB 2.0 hard drive $559

Special # 2 - 10,000 RPM Serial ATA 32GB hard drive - $294

Special # 3 - FireWire CD-ROM burner 52/32/52 - $189

Special # 4 - 120GB FireCube ext FW drive - $349

Special # 5 - 7200 RPM 2.5" Hitachi Travelstar 60GB drive - $566

Go to -
to check out the new site

We welcome your feedback and comments ..... and thankyou for shopping


You'll notice Specials 2 & 5 are for the super high-performance new
drives from Hitachi and Western Digital.

All our new Serial ATA drives are from Western Digital. There are
cheaper brands about but simply they are no match for the WD drives in
either performance or reliability. If you'd like to really tweek the
power of your G5 then take a very close look at the 10,000 RPM 36GB

And for PowerBook or laptop users the ultimate upgrade is the 7200 RPM
60GB Travelstar. In real world tests this drive is over twice as fast
as a standard 4200 RPM drive 2.5" drive -


The Panther FireWire issue:

If you haven't seen our note on this already please read on -

At this stage it looks like the problem only exists with some of the
earlier Oxford 922 chips (with 1.02 firmware).

The 922 chip is used in all combo (FW/USB 2.0 & FW800/USB 2.0)

If anyone on the list has a combo FireCube or IceCube drive or
enclosure you can check your firmware version per the webpage below.
You can also download the latest (1.05) firmware from the same page but
please read the WARNINGS first.

Our advice is that you make sure you have a backup of your external
drive data and then just simply try it out with Panther. If there isn't
a problem and you have firmware 1.03 or later I'd recommend that you
proceed as normal.

Remember the problem only occurs if you boot from Panther with the
external combo drive connected so you can connect your drive after
booting up your machine to copy data and check the firmware.



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All pricing includes GST

Keith Palmer
Zytech Marketing Pty Ltd
7 The Strand Bunbury 6230
Phone: 08-9791 5556  Fax: 08-9791 5900

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