Hi All!

Just thought I would share my findings with you all from my recent trip to

I think we bag the WA stores a little too harshly compared to what I saw in
Melbourne.  I went to the Elizabeth St store in the CBD (NextByte), the
Flinders St store (MyMac) and the Bridge Rd store in Richmond (NextByte).
The MyMac store was well laid out, in the current Apple look-of-the-week :-)
They had a decent range of goodies and were presented well.   The other two
stores left a lot to be desired :-(  Although one of them had only recently
opened (Bridge Rd), they both had little stock and looked like a dogs
breakfast.  The Elizabeth St store is probably the closest to the shopping
centre of the CBD (Bourke and Collins St), and only a stones throw from
RMIT.  The store had little third party stock and display, and a small range
at that.  The Bridge Rd store had the laptops underneath plastic enclosures,
so there was no way you could play with them.  And both stores had the
classic 'desktop' screensaver running ;-) (just sitting idly on the
desktop).  All the while the staff were nowhere to be seen.  All this from
Australia's largest and most awarded Apple chain :-(

I hope this is not a sign of things to come with AppleCentres across
Australia.  This is the time to really start hammering home how much better
a Mac is, but if you can't buy anything else for your Mac, what is the

So we may bitch and moan about the AppleCentres here in Perth, but I think
we have it better than you might like to believe.  A couple of the
AppleCentres here easily had twice the amount of stock (and range), have
helpful staff and have presentable stores.  Furthermore, there are a number
of smaller guys that really go out of their way to make your Mac experience
that much better.

Now that I no longer work for an AppleCentre, it has been great just to sit
back and look from a customer's perspective on buying an Apple.  Knowing
what supply problems the resellers also go through, I think we have it
better than previously thought!

I'd be interested to hear what other people think, especially those who have
been over east (and sorry David Choy, I didn't get to check out Chadstone!)


PS And no AppleCentre put me up to this :-)