I have not been overly impressed with Safari yet but today it had a real victory. In accessing the TISC, site Explorer constantly fell over part way through a lengthy submission of details. Netscape just would not work properly on this site but Safari triumphed and I did all that I had wanted to. The site states that it assumes you are using Explorer 5.5 (WIN presumably) and that Netscape may produce unpredictable outcomes, as it did! All three are the lqatest versions with Panther 10.3.1. After that triumph I went into my bank accounts with both Westpac and Bankwest and Safari did everything I asked. Maybe the moment for a complete switch is at hand?
Severin Crisp
         Assoc Professor R Severin Crisp, FIP, CPhys, FAIP

       15 Thomas St, Mount Clarence, Albany, 6330, Western Australia.
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                 Web pages  http://www.albanyis.com.au/~sev/