Dear WAMUG'ers,

could I request assistance in "testing" a new page on our web site ?...
from a Mac perspective that is !

The page is -

We have removed our previous "Lotto Kiosk" page for a simpler text based
version, as the old page had many issues with Netscape and various other
interface problems.

I am looking for comments on anything not working, speed of loading,
general thoughts, etc...

Thanks to many on the list for previous input on a similar request!  As Mac
advocates, you will be happy to know that I was finally given approval to
purchase a Mac for our test room.  It is an eMac (white monitor -
all-in-one), which will be suitable for all our testing requirements.  We
will be testing initially on IE5.2.2, until the "stats" show Safari
increasing in use.
It is no easy thing to get a Mac in a total PC / NT environment for
Government... so, hopefully we will be presenting better in future
revisions of our site.  I will be dependent now on this list to indicate
when it is safe to upgrade my browser and OS... as I will need to maintain
the computer separate to our Infrastructure team!  Yikes!   8-)


Mark Scholmann
Internet Analyst

Direct phone : (08) 9340 5232