On 10/12/03 2:12 PM, "Lloyd White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have Roxio Toast 5.2.1 on my iMac running 10.2.8 and am trying to update
> it to Toast 5.2.3 in preparation for changing over to  OS 10.3.1.
> I successfully downloaded the update but when the updating starts and I get
> to having to hit the "accept" button to accept the conditions it is faded
> and nothing I can do will make it live. So I cannot progress further. The
> "decline" and print button are live and work.
> The Roxio website is not helpful (as usual).  Any ideas apart from
> downloading it again. Being still on the old system this takes 30 minutes!
> Any ideas?
> Thanks.
> Lloyd 

Actually,..you won't believe the fix for this. I found it mentioned last
night on Versiontracker.

You have to scroll all the way through the licence agreement until you get
to the end. Once you do, the agree button becomes active.
I tried it,..and it works,...I couldn't believe it!

I was looking for something technical,...just goes to show.
Now how silly is that from Roxio!!

Enjoy! :o)

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Macintosh**