    I have problem with using Quark to export documents to PDF.  G4 768Mb
OS9.2, Quark 4.11, Acrobat 5.05. It used to work fine.
When the xtention is used it will fire up the distiller which will create a
.PS file.  Distiller then hangs - force quit, Quark frozen - force quit.  Back
to the finder but no .PDF file just the .PS. Restarting the G4 will cause it
to freeze but after it has processed the shut down the finder I think, because
rebooting does not initiate disk first aid.
In the trash is a Rescued Items folder and in that a Distiller folder with the
.PDF file - which is fine!
I have trashed prefences, re-installed Acrobat, used a different distiller PPD
file and disk warriored.  Any ideas?