You don't need a .mac account to get the regular OS software updates.

You can use .mac for email plus web serving/file storage/backup/syncing of some data, etc (standard is 100 MB total) I whinged when they started charging for it but decided it was worth it in the end. Plus my wife gets a separate email addr for a few dollars extra. One of the good things about the email is it's independent of your ISP so you can move ISPs without changing your main addr. Of course you can do that with other places too (Netscape, Hotmail). If you're after just email it probably won't be worth the cost.

There are other freebie bits of software and various discounts from time-to-time. You'll need to assess all the features and offers against your needs.

BTW the Apple online store says price is $158 but then down the page says...
It's everything you need, all in one place, and built just for your Mac. Best of all, it's a comparable value of over $400 for just $99.00*inc GST.

Looks like someone added the "*inc GST" but forgot to convert to $A

BTW2 Its always handy to check Apple Aus's markup for all their "value adding"....
$158 - (US$99 /0.7805 + 10% = $139.52) = $18


On 28 Jan 2004, at 16:22, Lindsay Adams wrote:

Hi All
Am new to the Mac world and am wondering what value there is in a US$99 .mac account.. Does one have to subscribe to get the security updates etc, or is it just another email server? Of course listening to the Apple people it seems that I will be unable to breathe without one...

Warren Jones
Perth, Western Australia