On Wednesday, January 28, 2004, Greg Hosking wrote:

> Jon, i'm almost certain that target disk mode is only for laptops. I'd
be wary about attempting this with a desktop (ie: damaged disks & stuff)

Actually it works fine with all newer Macs - iMacs, Power Macs, as well as
the portables.
The kb article <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=58583>
lists compatible models, but doesn't include the "Power Mac G4 (PCI
Graphics)" - I'm guessing that this is what Jon has...

...If it is an "AGP graphics" model, updating the firmware or Hot-plugging
might do the trick: <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=75420>

Having an Open Firmware password set will also prevent Firewire Target
Disk mode from working.

Mark's suggestion is of course the best one!



> just use ethernet, get yrself a crossover cable
> g
> On Wednesday, January 28, 2004, at 10:00  PM, Jon Davison wrote:
>> I would like to connect my G4 (400/488/OSX2.8) tower as a Firewire
drive to appear on my G5 (1.6/768/Panther). I have restarted the G4
with the 'T' key depressed as normal but no Firewire icon on the G4
screen. Is there something else I should be doing? or is it not
possible with the G4/G5 combination. I have no problem connecting with
my G4 (550/448/OSX2.4) TiBook to the G5 via Firewire.
>> I have tried the G4 in both OSX and 9.2.2 configurations to see if it
would work, but nothing. It keeps firing up as usual but no Firewire
icon. I have tried the Firewire ports on the front and rear of the G5.
I just feel that rather than sell the G4 tower, I may as well use it as
an external drive for my web local site files and other storage as
there is 30Gb free
>> Thanks for any help on this
>> Jon