Thanks for the reply Ryan.

I don't know if this is just windows weirdness. I was hoping to upgrade all
machines to OSX and I'm just using my personal laptop as a crash test dummy
before changing the production machines!

on 1/2/04 11:45 PM, Ryan Schotte at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> I have tried searching Mac help, the Support section at
>> Apple¹s web site, and Version Tracker for ³NTFS² to no avail.
>> I have located NT Filesystem for Mac OSX, but this offers read
>> only support. I get the feeling, that the generic Windows
>> support via Samba does not include NTFS... Am I correct?
> Hi John! Replying off-list since this may get a bit long...
> The NTFS Filesystem for OS X is intended for when the drive is
> directly connected to the Mac. It isn't needed for network
> access. SMB clients connect to SMB servers with their own
> protocol, and the underlying filesystem on the server is largely
> irrelevant to the client. So you should have read-write access
> to your NT Server!

That's what I'd thought, but I'd begun to doubt!

> Of course networking with Windows is never that easy somehow,
> even from Panther.
> I don't think 'Mac services for NT' is needed for OS X... unless
> you intend on storing files with resource forks (like Mac apps)
> on the server.
> You problems seems to be more related to authentication, though
> it would be more useful to know what you meant by "it
> disappears" -- when you click on the server's icon, or when you
> click connect, or-?

When I connect to my son's Windoze machine from my laptop on the home
network, the Network Browser shows an alias of his machine which when
opened, shows the share points, and when these are opened, I get an SMB
username and password request, then opens as if were another Mac.

When I do this at work, I see the network with all the machines that I can
see on the adjacent OS9 machine using Dave through the Dave Network Browser
in the Chooser. When I try to open one of the visible servers from the OSX
laptop however I get a message that the alias could not be opened because
the original could not be found, then the alias briefly turns into a generic
document icon before disappearing. For example:

If I try to open NT008 (which I can do from OS9), I get the disappearing act
described above, and the server list reads:


> A couple of suggestions:
> If you're not using 10.3.2, update! The older versions of
> Panther are supposedly to have some problems that they fixed.

I'm running 10.3.2

> With 'Directory Access' located in the Utilities folder, make
> sure you have SMB, SLP and Active Directory enabled -- you
> should do if you can see the server in the network browser. You
> should also here set the WINS server if there is one, and set
> the default workgroup if WORKGROUP isn't appropriate for you.
> The IS dept should be able to tell you.

I have just transferred the settings from my OS9+DAVE set up, so should be
correct. I'll check they haven't changed the IP address of the WINS server
without letting me know (that's happened before!)

> Try just using 'Go'->'Connect to Server...' and
> entering the server's address in the form:  smb://ipaddress
> It might work better.

I haven't tried this. I'll need to get this address to try.
> When you open the network browser for the first time, it starts
> listening for servers to announce themselves, which takes a
> few seconds or minutes, depending on the server and network
> and how many chickens you've sacrificed to the dark lords of
> Redmond recently. I suspect it might display a cached server
> sometimes, which then disappears when you click on it if it
> hasn't announced itself. Just something odd I've observed.

Definitely comes up with the correct workgroup name (not the default) and
initially shows no items, then updates to show 23 servers.

> Restart the Mac -- I have no idea why, but it sometimes helps,
> especially if the machine has been running for some days.

I have tried that several times!

> When you do copy files around to windows machines, make sure
> that you only use characters in your filenames that Windows can
> use in filenames -- otherwise the copy will fail and OS X will
> give a mysterious numerical error. There's a surprising number
> of common characters that Windows still doesn't seem to like,
> and I think DAVE probably handles this better.
> And the obviously annoying, make sure the username and password
> are right.
> Other than that, good luck, and let me know how it goes :)
> Ryan

John Winters
Phone +61 8 9367 9277
Fax   +61 8 9367 9244