I am having the same problem. Ever since I updated to 10.3.2, and because I selected Toast as my default, the machine will not even allow me to use the finder to burn to CD! ie the dialogue box that asks what you wish to do with the blank disk, etc will not launch, and the CD will not appear on the
desktop so that I can Drag & Drop files onto it for burning.

Daniel F

On 15/02/2004 22:39, "tom samson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can anyone out there tell me why Toast Titanium 5.1.4 refuses to now
work under 10.3.3.  I have had it working until today but now flicker
on flicker straight off.
tom samson

I *think* I had the same problem.

I tried trashing prefs, reinstalling etc.
The closest I could get it back to working was it asking for a serial number which it refused to accept anyway. Oddest was that the same app would work fine under OS9 (not classic though).

I eventually got sick of this, the finder wads burning disks ok though, and 'looked' for a new version.

Toast 6 did the trick with the most minimal interface yet.

Not the result I set out for, but 'A' result.
