On Tue, 2004-03-02 at 09:06, Gordon Campbell wrote:
> >At the very least, the customer should be offered the _option_ of 
> >whether to pay extra, or have their access speed limited (or even
> >cut off) - with the default being no extra charges.
> I'm actually a bit surprised to see this comment, since BigPond actually DO
> offer this option, on both Cable and ADSL.

I'm aware of that. I should have been clearer there, and instead said:

At the very least, shaping or cut-offs should be the default mode on all
low end plans, and the customer should be offered the _option_ of
whether to pay extra, or have their access speed limited or disabled. 

elsewhere, I did say:

So - I'll credit BigPond with some effort here, but it's only a band-aid
on the fundamental problem - they don't provide 'flat rate' or shaped
plans on the low end, where uninformed and inexperienced users are
likely to sign up. 

The problem, you see, is that the "unlimited" plans are presented as the
top end of the price bracket, and described as for "Intensive,
super-fast access". The real problem with uncapped usage is at the low
end, where people are probably new to byte-charged broadband services,
aren't likely to realise what things really add up to, and don't realise
they need to watch their usage meter closely.

Craig Ringer