On Tue, 2004-03-23 at 23:33, Craig Ringer wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-03-23 at 22:41, Edward Arrowsmith wrote:
> > What is the latest version of Safari please?
> According to the Safari home page, http://www.apple.com/safari/, the
> current version is 1.2 and requires OSX 10.2 or 10.3 .

Whoops; 1.0 runs on 10.2, newer versions only on 10.3 . I was thinking
"how unexpectedly nice and helpful of apple to support their
less-than-two-year-old 10.2 OS release..." when I noticed the little
note _below_ the download button.

Oh well; back to XDarwin and Epiphany ;-)

Craig Ringer