Disclaimer: I don't own shares in iiNet

I must be the luckiest iiNet customer in Perth - and so must my entire family. Being an ex Telstra broadband customer, I was getting jacked off by their high prices and 20-30 minute wait times for technical support. So I moved to iiNet who at the time were one of the few alternatives to Telstra. That was over 18 months ago, and during that time I must say I've been very impressed with their pricing and service. My parents and my sister are also with iiNet (finally convinced mum that broadband for $24.95 was a great deal) and they have also had no problems.

I rarely need to ring technical support, but when I do I get through within a few minutes. I tell the support person my problem and that I am an experienced user, and they put me through to a senior tech right away.

iiNets toolbox feature is great, and their ftp servers are well setup and fast. iiNets off-peak period is the longest I've seen (8 hours - midnight to 8am, great for early morning DLs). iiNet are very responsive to changing market conditions - they beat Telstra to market with the new 200MB broadband plan and are cheaper.

As for Westnet being cheaper - am I looking at the right place? Their plans are all about the same price as iINet, and iiNet is cheaper if you preselect them for your non-local phone calls.

Westnet have more plans, and you can have a fixed IP if you want one. I don't want one - if I did, then Westnet are cheaper than iiNet. iiNets Fixed IP plans are probably their biggest downfall!

I'm not saying iiNet are better than Westnet - I've never been a Westnet customer, but I for one am a satisfied iiNet broadband customer.
