On 08/4/04 9:49 AM, "Peter Hinchliffe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A couple of meetings ago I presented a demo of the Arabic word
> processor "Mellel". I expressed the opinion that although it was
> showing lots of promise it was not ready for prime time because it
> could not handle Word files. Well, all that has changed.
> Mellel 1.7.5 can now read and write Word files when running under
> Panther. I suspect it's using Panther's own built-in routines to do
> this, so the word-reading capabilities are possibly no greater than
> that of Text Edit, but that's OK for now, because there are an
> additional 35 significant improvements which have been made to the
> program. The new list manager (ie, for creating bulleted lists) is
> superb (take that, Microsoft!) and worth the download for this feature
> alone.
> Check it out on http://www.versiontracker.com.

I just opened a 2.1 MB fairly complex Word file in this new version. After a
little bit of converting (not very long), the document opened but,
- table content was there but not formatted in tables
- the Table of Contents and Index were there but again not formatted
- style formatting seemed alright but the styles themselves weren't

All in all, pretty impressive.
