Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this printer, I picked one up yesterday but am yet to get the direct printing to cd feature working using the CD Label Print application that came with the printer.

Here's what I have:

Dual 1Ghz G4, 768Mb DDR SDRAM running 10.3.3

Here's the situation:

It won't print using the cd tray. But it prints fine regular A4 pages. When you turn the power off on the printer, the tray ejects, so I'm assuming that mechanism is ok.

I've installed the i865 v2.32 driver from the canon site.

Select Paper is set to CD Label Print > Standard CD (12cm) Paper Size CD-R tray.

When you hit "Print" the following happens:
Print label sheet window opens. Printable Label 'all' selected. Hit "print" in this window.

An alert appears "Select [Quality & Media] from the pop-up menu of Print dialog box and then selct printable disc (recommended) or printable disc (other) in [Media Type] that matches your selection" which I do. Then I select "print" from this window.

Another dialog box appears "Printing to a printable disc will begin. Set the CD-R tray guide on the printer and insert a CD-R tray with a printable disc into the CD-R Tray Guide. Press the RESUME button on the printer before clicking "ok" to start printing, which I do.

Yet another dialog box appears, similar to the last one (this time from the print utility itself), I select stop job from that window, select the job, and click resume.

It then attempts to open the printer connection, this continues for a couple of minutes until i get a job stopped message, with no sign of life from the printer.

I've checked and rechecked the tray itself, and as far as I can work out, I've done everything as per the manual. Also contacted Canon support who were (sadly) completely useless, and as yet haven't returned my calls.

Anyone have any ideas?

