
Its a networking term that identifies the address as terminating on your site - as opposed to theirs, its defined as below and is used by anyone in the networking industry not just telstra. Its starting to pop up more and more nowadays because adsl equipment means that the IP address actually terminates on your modem as opposed to analog modems where the IP address terminates at the ISP's rack of modems.


*customer premises equipment (CPE): 1.* Terminal <http://www.atis.org/tg2k/_terminal.html> and associated equipment and inside wiring located at a subscriber <http://www.atis.org/tg2k/_subscriber.html>'s premises and connected with a carrier <http://www.atis.org/tg2k/_carrier.html>'s communication channel <http://www.atis.org/tg2k/_channel.html> (s) at the demarcation point <http://www.atis.org/tg2k/_demarcation_point.html> /(" demarc <http://www.atis.org/tg2k/_demarc.html> ")/.
