Hi Rob, that's from Script Menu yeah? Unfortunately, it doesn't read what
file extension a file should have, it just allow you to arbitrarily add one
of your own. It also doesn't do subfolders.

I have to amend 12Gigs worth of files ... it'd take me forever. :)

I can't help you with the file types. If you knew the file type, you could get a unix guru to write a grep command too change all files.

You could get a programmer type to write something to traverse the folder tree, get the file type from the file's resource fork, look up the equivalent file extension in some sort of table and then add this to the file name.

Someone like Onno could do this easily.



 From:  Rob Phillips
 Sent:  Thursday, 6 May 2004 4:29 PM
 To:    Oldham, Toby
 Subject:       RE: Win2K needs visible file extensions

        I was thinking there must be Applescripts, but I'm not sure where to
        looking. :}


 Applications:AppleScript:Example Scripts:Finder Scripts: Add to File
 Add Prefix-Suffix to File Names

 This script is designed to add a prefix or suffix to files in the front
 window of the desktop.
 If no folder windows are open, the script will effect items on the

 At 4:21 PM +0800 6/5/04, Oldham, Toby wrote:

         > If a file has a .extension it displays the file correctly, but
        > freaking
        > > thing then has the gall to _hide_ the file extension on the
 windows box.
        > > Talk about two faced.


 Sure, you need to change the names of the files first, but once onto
 Wintel, you can choose whether to see them or not.

 Dr Rob Phillips, Senior Lecturer,    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Room 4.38 Teaching and Learning Centre, Library North Wing
 Murdoch University, South St, Murdoch, 6150, Perth, AUS
 Phone: +61 8 9360 6054 Mobile: 0416 065 054
 Chair, 2004 ASCILITE Conference,

Dr Rob Phillips, Senior Lecturer,    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Room 4.38 Teaching and Learning Centre, Library North Wing
Murdoch University, South St, Murdoch, 6150, Perth, AUS
Phone: +61 8 9360 6054  Mobile: 0416 065 054
Chair, 2004 ASCILITE Conference, http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/perth04/