I currently have an iPod hooked up to my stereo via the dock. I'd like to put the dock near my bed which would require the use of a relatively long cable. Does anyone know how long a cable can be used with 3rd G iPod before audio quality begins to fade?

Ruben A. Franke

That depends on the quality of the cable. For long cables you need good shielding to prevent interference (like mains hum), and low impedance (to prevent signal loss). As a rule of thumb, thicker cables are usually better (usually because they've got shielding).

Of course, you don't have to spring for big $$$ to buy oxygen free karma-balanced gold optic fibre that the Hi-Fi stores would like to sell you, just don't buy the cheapest cable and expect to get good quality audio/video/data over long distances :)

Have fun,
=========================== Shay  Telfer ================================
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