What about an Apple II. Would that be considered a collectors item? Cause I've got one in the garage.


Yikes Paul

On 19 Jun 2004, at 7:29pm, Paul Mulroney wrote:
I did the same once. When I throw a computer out on the verge, it really is dead, and it ain't coming back to life again. Anyway, as I was putting this stuff on the verge, a lady drove by, stopped the car and started loading a dead Mac SE into her car. I told her the machine is dead and it would never work again, to which she replied "my son, he fix computers, he can make it go". Gotta admire her faith in her children :)

I don't think I've ever had a computer on the verge actually stay there until the rubbish truck comes to pick it up.

You threw out an SE? I bought one at a garage sale with Stylewriter II printer for $20. It's a collector's item!



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