On 25/6/04 7:05 AM, "Phil Goodall-Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have recently acquired a Sony Ericsson T630 Mobile.
> I have used Blue Tooth and iSync to transfer contact details to the
> phone.  The issue I have is with Company Phone Numbers (ie. those
> entries in the Mac's address book that are marked as 'Company')  with
> no contact name associated with  it only appear on the phone's contact
> list at the bottom of the list in what appears to be random order with
> two dots in front of the Company Name (ie  ..WAMUG).  I am also unable
> to search for a company name ie.  by typing W to bring up a list of
> contacts starting with W would not bring up WAMUG but only peoples
> names?
> I feel I must be doing something wrong but cannot figure it out.  I
> rang Sony Ericsson and the guy refused to believes that Sony Ericsson
> was in any way associated or had worked with Apple...  I then advised
> him this was news to me and he went off and checked and said indeed
> they do work together but he could not give any help at all and I
> should contact Apple....  Having tried to get assistance from Apple in
> the past and waiting hours at a time  I though I would go straight to
> the experts and ask the WAMUG list...
> Thanks in hope,
> Phil

May be a quick fix for the meantime is to put the Company name in the Last
Name field in address book, then sync with your phone.  Not the most elegant
way (or correct) of using an address book, but at least the company name
will now appear on your phone in the right spot and be searchable.

