On 23 Jul 2004, at 12:18pm, Malcolm J McCallum wrote:

OT (sort of) My eldest daughter was asked when applying for a Physio post in America to enclose her Birth Certificate which was in Newcastle UK, her qualifications which were from WA. She got a letter back asking her to go to the American embassy in Perth to get a signed certificate from the embassy to say that Australia was a country where the 'predominate'- sic- language was English. At that point she decided to get a job in the UK.

That's really sad.

I've just been listening to a Channel 7 news report citing the US 9/11 report on deficiencies of knowledge of terrorist threat in the US during the Clinton/Bush years.

It said (as close as I can remember) that "the Presidents Bush and Clinton lacked the intelligence to make informed decisions regarding the risks". Work that one out!

