There is also an issue with Word in Office X and how well it handles PDF.
Omnigraffle uses PDF to draw and store as does OS X I believe.  But Word
doesn't handle it too well and the result is poor both on screen and
printed.  I used Omnigraffle to prepare some flow charts about 3 years ago
and imported (or pasted) them into a Word 2001 document - the result was
quite good.  Doing the same with Word X results in something unusable - even
saving to PICT/TIFF/GIF/JPEG from Omnigraffle or Preview doesn't help, I
tried them all.

Perhaps Word 2004 is better at PDF.



> From: Shay Telfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 09:56:02 +0800
> To: "WAMUG Mailing List" <>
> Subject: Re: Canvas vs omnigrumble
>> As for Omnigraffle,  tried that,  made a flow chart,  all looking
>> pretty spiffy,  import into the Word doc I was preparing and  YUK.
>> Hazy, no definition hard to read the text.   Maybe there's another
>> way, but so far Omnigrapple is about as useful as that other omni
>> software that "came in the box".  Not very.
> If you put text into an image and then scale it down, it will be hard
> to read. Even worse if you use a lossy compression format such as
> Have fun,
> Shay
> -- 
> =========================== Shay  Telfer ================================
> Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper in the
> Opinions for hire              [POQ]     2005 World Solar Challenge
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