Hi Michael

I've used Skype now to call a few people on landlines, including UK & US
calls. I'm finding there's a bit of a delay when conversing - not too much,
but enough to disrupt the conversation regularly, and certainly lesser
quality than the ordinary phone call. Still good enough for a 2.9 cent per
minute rate though.

Do you get the slight delays as well when calling ordinary telephones, or
have you managed to eliminate the delays?


> Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 08:49:47 +0800
> From: Michael Kane Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Skype
> You are right Ronda, in stating that free calls are available only to
> people with Skype installed. However, the programme is free and is
> 'cross-platform'  for Windows XP,  Linux,  Pocket PC and Mac OS.10.3.
> Try that with iChat!
> Incidentally calls to phones, worldwide, cost 0.017 Euros ( 2.9 cents
> Au) per minute. Try that with Telstra.!
> I have had Skype for some weeks now and find it to be excellent.  I
> experienced  initial problems with a faulty headset and,
> subsequently,  an indifferent microphone , but that was entirely to
> do with my own set-up. This has now been addressed and the sound
> quality is quite exceptional.
> Michael