
I followed the first tip at the help page - removing the help files to see if one of them was causing the problem. It was the file. Everything works just fine now.

Thanks very much for the advice.


On 01/10/2004, at 7:06 AM, Peter Sealy wrote:

On 01/10/2004, at 8:01 AM, Adam Lippiatt wrote:


Every time I open the help viewer, it starts up but then immediately crashes (OS10.3). I have repaired the disk and also rebuilt the directories using Disk Warrior, but that has not helped. Just wondering if anyone knows what the next step should be (system reinstall - or can you somehow replace individual programs)?

Try here for some advice <>. I have not had the problem you describe but it has been several times discussed on the Apple Support Discussion Boards and the advice offered in that web site has been recommended. You have not identified which version of 10.3 you are running but if it is pre-10.3.5 I would recommend an update to the latest as I think that does resolve problems with the Help Viewer. If you still can not fix it contact me and I have a couple more solutions which I have saved which may assist.


Peter Sealy