Rod, you don't want everyone having Mac's do you? Don't you want that exclusive feel, comforted in the knowledge that your superior taste separates you from the plebs and gray mass market of the drones with their ugly boxes? :-)

Anyway, the Apple iTunes store is mainly about the very complicated issue of obtaining the licensing rights to sell in the territory. As already demonstrated in Europe these can be difficult.


On 13/10/2004, at 16:58, Rod wrote:

Hi All!

Just wondering if anyone else thinks the same way. Prime example would be the iTunes Music Store. We are in the middle of one of the biggest rating
shows of the year, Australian Idol, which I would figure would be the
absolute prime spot for advertising the iTunes Music Store. Yet we have no store :-( To think, Apple could have had a section dedicated to Idol, like
songs from the Theme nights, last years winners etc.

But they even miss an opportunity with their current stuff. Why don't they advertise Garageband during the ad breaks. There must be a million kids out
there who think they are the next Guy Sebastion, and a Mac running
Garageband would be the perfect tool. Even a 20 second slot within Inside Idol, showing one of the contestants playing around with Garageband on a new
G5 iMac.  Geez, we're less than 70 days from Christmas.  Plus iMacs are
hopefully going to ship in good numbers by December.

Instead, we get Rove having a Powerbook on his desk, turned so you can't
identify what it really is (unlike the indigo iBook he used to have).

Any thoughts?



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