You are right - Apple do have a proud history of making great computers but
not wanting people to know about them.  I have spent the day grappling with
MS Access on a PC so I KNOW that Apple make great computers! I'm back on my
iMac now :-))

I am surprised that there are a number of web sites that don't work on a
Mac, which may be poor design, but Apple should have a guru around to the
site's developer to try and fix it. The old chestnut used to be that "You
can't get software for Macs'. The new one will be - You can't access web
sites - and that will really hurt sales. Apple do seem to not want to tell
too many people about their product.
Peter Bull

> From: Peter Hinchliffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 17:30:21 +0800
> To: "WAMUG Mailing List" <>
> Subject: Re: Is it just me, or does Apple seem to let golden opportunitiesslip
> by?
> On 13/10/2004, at 4:58 PM, Rod wrote:
>> Hi All!
>> Just wondering if anyone else thinks the same way.
> Apple have a proud history of this. Can anyone say "No viruses"? Apple
> don't seem to be able to.
> Apple's main line now in selling the iMac G5 is "From the makers of the
> iPod". Big deal.
> I'm afraid that even today, when the average purchaser thinks of buying
> a computer for the first time, the thought of Apple doesn't even enter
> their head. This is what Apple needs to attack. They've always needed
> to, but they never have.
> --
> Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
> FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
> Perth, Western Australia
> Phone (618) 9332 6482    Fax (618) 9332 0913
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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