On 13/10/04 5:22 PM, "Mark Secker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> the Australian iTunes shop issue is more likely to be one of getting
> Apple being able to  negotiate with or around the larger local music
> industry types, who as we've seen with the CD import issue, are
> fiercely parochial and self protective of the rather cosy little
> money spinner they've got.
> As for Idol... maybe Apple doesn't wish to associate  it's own
> product with the Idol product range (which, let's face it, has a
> shelf life  not much more than that of a tray of sashimi.)  Guy
>   Sabastion on an iMac? pass me the Dell catalogue!

I wish that were true.  Sebastion's second album is high on the charts, you
can't turn a radio on without hearing him, Shannon Droll or people whinging
how the latest evictee was robbed.  And 2.38 Million people tuned in to
Sunday's show.  People with musical taste may not approve, but there are a
squillion teenyboppers out there txting their votes to Idol and making the
producers and Ten very rich!  Other than maybe Deltra Goodroom, there are no
other artists in Australia that can match the exposure these 'artists' (and
I use the term very loosely!) are getting.

At least get one of them listening to an iPod on the tour bus!

