Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

On 02/11/2004, at 3:38 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:

There seems to be little control over the way Apple Mail handles attachments. Firstly, the "Windows Friendly Attachments" box is unchecked by default but I would like it the checked by default as I am always forgetting to set it and for some recipients, notably with .doc attachments, this spells disaster. Is there a way of changing this?

Apparently not. A brief perusal of does not show a preference setting for this (but it's amazing what you CAN change...). Maybe a visit to MacOSXHints might turn something up.

With JPEG images they are always "inserted" into the email, which is fine but often I would prefer them to go as attached icons like PDF or .doc or other uninsertable files. Is there a way around this? Maybe there is a hidden preferences panel that I have not found yet?

The trick here is to Control- or Right-click on the attached image. You will see an option to "View as Icon" in the contextual menu. This toggles between "View as Icon" and "View in Place" depending on the current choice. Of course, with many files the option is not available, since "View as Icon" is the only choice.

I hate to say it but I found Mail to be one of the worst bits of Apple SW I've used because of it's handling of attachments.

Most embarrassing, especially when sending attachments as part of a job application... I never did notice any difference between "Windows Friendly Attachments" and not.

At first I just used webmail to send them but this defeats the purpose of using a client in the first place so I now use Thunderbird.

The only drawback is now I cant sent mail with a keystroke;)


Paul - who has pre-ordered Port Holes in his coffin.