You will find that you can access the DSL-300 configuration by any
browser on your Mac using the address of providing you
have un checked 'Connect by PPPoE" in Network preferences.

Also, you will find that you can connect to iiNet Broadband by
again having the above un checked and then moving to the TCP/IP
section and changing Configure 'Using PPP' to 'Using DHCP' as it
will then make the connection automatically.

If you find any of the above does not work then try it again after
disconnecting the power to the modem for about 20 seconds in order
to reset it and then giving it time to establish the connection

Dave Watkins

At 6:17 PM +0800 27/11/04, Diana & Graham Stevens wrote:
 Shay Telfer wrote:

 >Open the Terminal (in your Utilities folder). Type
 >and hit the return key. Assuming that's the IP address of your
 >router on the local LAN (it should be the number next to 'Router' in
 >the TCPIP pane of your Network Preferences panel). Although I
 >suspect the DSL300 doesn't work like that as it's a modem, not a
 >If that doesn't work you may need an appropriate serial cable and
 >USB<->serial adapter such as a keyspan.

 Thanks Shay. If we have another disconnect I shall attach the modem
 directly to the PC and give it a go. If that doesn't work I can use
 the Toshiba laptop but I shall have to find a serial cable.

 We are also considering buying a new combined modem-router, less junk
 on the desk and I am  told if we ever get ADSL2 the present setup
 won't work.
