
I think there are alot of members who are on the mailing list because they need help rather than to supply it. There are in general only a small pool of helpers - eg Shay, rod, craig etc who have significant expertise to help with most problems.

I think people tend to place a priority on which need help too. A complete system crash is obviously a mac 911 call, vs an occasional crash or an annoying problem.

I keep every WAMUG digest and keep an eye of every email requesting help, but there are some problems I haven't faced before which I don't try and offer info on as it will end up being the blind leading the blind.

In your recent problem, I can't directly help as I've never played or run starcraft on my machine. I suspect that might also be the case for some of the helpers still here over christmas/new year. it does sound like a starcraft specific problem. Bear in mind someone can usually answer most problems, but even "experts" get stumped

The starcraft problem might be better addressed in a mac game specific forum, such as
insidemacgames forum (closed temporarily)

there are a whole heap of other resources if you do a google mac search ( for "starcraft crash"

In the meantime a temporary workaround when you need to quit could be the use of "apple-tab" to switch to the finder and force quit from the dock.

Good luck


On 30/12/2004, at 5:04 AM, WAMUG Mailing List wrote:

Subject: Re: Starcraft Crashing Problem
From: Dark Servant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.553)

I guess it may be poor manners to repost something unanswered on the
basis that if people had an answer they would reply in the first place.
  It irritates me that I seem to have posts that are frequently
unanswered (approximately 2/3 of my posts).  I know other people have
unanswered problems also but it doesn't seem like this occurs at such a
high proportion for them.  Perhaps it's because I can usually figure
out problems myself, therefor most of my problems are too complicated
for the people on this list.
I also have another possible theory; I always try to provide as much
information as possible (one of the list guidelines), however with so
much information perhaps people can't be bothered reading through all
of it.
Maybe that's a little cynical cause I tend to take the perspective of
the cynic from time to time.

Ruben A. Franke
"All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem." - Martin Luther King Jr.