bill parker wrote:

I was hoping to get some expert opinion on the relative merits or not of System Works 3.0 for OX 10.3 and later vs Diskwarrior. This in view of some of the fairly strong negative views against System Works in the recent past.

Hi Bill

Well, I think that I am a fairly hard user.

I do not want to be too precious with my computer(s) so as to get full value from them.

This would lead most to think that I should be running regular maintenance, they may be right, but I don't bother.
Especially since OSX.

Windows taught me that a repaired OS would often be walking-wounded OS anyway.

I know I do intensive and potentially risky activities with my Mac, so I wonder sometimes "why the doctor?"

If I am getting disk issues, I remain unaffected (touch silicone;).

I regularly back up manually (DVDR), I find this easiest.
I have not NEEDED to reinstall since OSX began.

Repair permissions has been the only maintenance I've needed to do. It was minor anyway.

Maybe I'm softer on the OS than I thought ;)

