On 10/1/05 11:44 PM, "Daniel Kerr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Looks like we might see some good news tomorrow! Fingers crossed! Credit
> cards to the ready!! :o)
> ---quote---
> From MacNN <http://www.macnn.com/news/27552>
>  Apple to introduce iTunes Music Store for Australia?
>   Monday, January 10, 2005 @ 9:05am
>  Apple on Tuesday is expected to introduce the Australian iTunes music
> store, according to The Age: Australia would be the 16th country in which
> the computer and consumer electronics maker has opened an outlet... it is
> believed the maker of the iPod digital music player has flown senior
> executives from California to Sydney for tomorrow's announcement....The
> long-anticipated Australian launch of the service that elsewhere has revived
> Apple's flagging fortunes would pre-empt the imminent introduction of a
> Microsoft-ninemsn joint venture to sell music over the net and would go head
> to head with existing services from Telstra and Destra."
> ---end quote---
> Could be interesting!! Time will tell I guess. :o)
> Enjoy!!
> Kind Regards

I don't think you will need your credit card just yet.  Anyone notice that
you can still get into the US music store like normal?  Every time new
stores are introduced, you can't log into the store.  Even if they just
announce that it is coming, I'd be stoked!

