On 11/01/2005, at 1:26 PM, Shay Telfer wrote:

I doubt they'll manufacture a cheap box which has a decent system bus and swappable AGP port. Those sound like things customers would be prepared to pay money for.

"Cheap, fast, good, pick any two"

A 1.6Ghz G5 with a 533mhz bus and a x8 AGP port ... it'd differentiate from the iMac by its lack of monitor, and the P/Mac by it's slower system bus! ... yeah yeah, it would cannibalise sales *sigh*.

However, one thing Oz will probably always have over Uk'ers is FM transmitters for our iPods. Broadcasting of any kind (without a licence) is illegal in Britain *nyuck nyuck*

Brought to you by the land of the TV detector van and the Television licence :)

So the stories say. My own search for the mythical black vans proved fruitless. ;) I did get a sly word from an Apple store rep, who *nod-nod wink-wink* told me where I might find FM transmitters which may or may not have fallen off the back of a truck at a nearby electrical retailer on Oxford Street. The rep's clandestine manner made me chuckle. :)
