On 11/01/2005, at 4:58 PM, Rod wrote:

Say $50 shipping, and for $628 you'll have a computer as good if not
better than an eMac, Despite the eMac's 167Mhz system bus vs the crap
G4/400's 100mhz at the same CPU speed. Why? The upgrade card has a
grunty CPU cache, whereas the eMac has bugger all.

Valid points, but....

There is no warranty on the G4 400. If it dies, there is another $400 to
get another one.

"If it dies." peh ... my G4 has been going strong for years with no signs of stopping despite a ludicrous amount of 'relatively safe' tinkering and the occasional trundle to a LAN game (where it was often greeted with snorts of derision, until they noticed how easy it was to lug around with its neato handles. ;-)

Warranties are a good thing though I agree. :)

So IMHO, if you can't get a faster machine for that price, and you want
to be able to use the iLife suite, go the upgrade. :)

I still think if you can find a dual G4 for a little bit more, definitely go
for the PM.  My G4 at home is lightening quick compared to some of the
faster single processor machines I have used.  Especially running OS X.

Yeah, but people still want at least a $1200 for a dual 1Ghz (or higher), and OSX runs just fine with a single processor. If you decide to burn a DVD you're probably going to have to leave your machine running for awhile anyway, so what's the difference between 1 hour and 2 hours unless you're in business, or like me you leave burning the Holiday DVD you're making for the family to the last minute. ;-)

Tomorrow will be the telling point.  Personally, I think the eMac is
history. A headless Mac enables Apple to finally ditch CRTs, which I am sick of repairing on eMacs ;-) If Apple really want to target switchers, it is easy for PC users just to dump their tower and slot in a headless Mac (like any other Mac released before the original iMac) and still use all their other peripherals. Especially if you have a $300-$600 LCD screen!

Yup. One interesting thing I noted was that ATI have released their latest and greatest graphics card, the X800 for the mac. That's almost a simultaneous release I think. I'm hopin the cause is because they think they'll be a larger market of Mac users looking for a gruntier card shortly, perhaps because Apple might release a cheap computer that can take advantage of it. A few orders of magnitude higher than wishful thinking I know, but what the hell. :)
