On 13/01/2005, at 9:54 AM, Eugene wrote:

    For anyone contemplating using the Sensis directory service number,

    Sensis, as you may or may not know, is a subsidiary of Telstra. The     1234 number is replacing the Telstra 12456 directory assistance number,     but this time with outrageous costs attached: 40c to call the number,     then 4c A SECOND! With this sort of pricing structure in place, it's no     wonder so many Australians hold Telstra in the same regard as the major

    By law, Telstra have to provide a FREE directory assistance number,     because they are still majority owned by the government. They choose
    however not  to pass this number on to the public.

     What's the number?     1223.

    Thumbs down to Telstra for finding a way to charge for a service that is
    supposed to be provided for free.

     Of course, feel free to forward this on.

     Ben Hardwick
    Commercial Litigation Department
    Slater & Gordon
    GPO Box 4864VV
    Melbourne, Vic, 3001

I don't know who started this but it appeared in a news spread I received on 6th December
and I responded as below :

By law, Telstra have to provide a FREE directory assistance number, because they are still majority owned by the government. They choose however not to pass this number on to the public. What's the number? 1223. Thumbs up to Telstra for finding a way to charge for a service that is supposed to be provided for free.

That is not entirely accurate !

In the Perth Business phone directory ... Page 1 which lists the contents

Sensis is shown AND
Directory Assistance 12455 / 1223

are shown .

But you need to also read the fine print at the bottom which says
that 1223 is free to Telstra residential customers where the customer has selected Telstra for their local calls. A fee applies to Business customers and mobile phones .

seems reasonable to me
