On 14/1/05 9:56 AM, "Keith Feltham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 9.29 am +0800 14/1/05, Ted Burbidge wrote:
>> Thats because the Mac market in Australia, compared to other countries is so
>> minutely small.All those European countries would each,have a bigger market
>> than here.
> OK, if that's true, why is the Mac market in Australia smaller than
> that of European countries with populations approximately equal to
> Australia's?
> Overpricing here? Incompetent marketing? Insufficient retailer
> margins? All of these things? If so, the blame can be placed squarely
> at the door of Apple Australia.
> Or are there other factors causing Apple to have so few customers in
> Australia that we are marginalised almost to irrelevance in the
> general market?

It is shame really, as those things like iTMS and iPhoto books really do
make a difference between Mac and PC (even though iTMS is for both).  They
are the extra things in a salesperson's arsenal that can get a Switcher over
the line.  Now they are just one of those things that someone asks on a
support call, "How come I can't buy an iPhoto book" or "How come I can't buy
any songs from the Music Store in iTunes".  I'm sure our dumb copyright laws
are the chief problem here, as technically you are not allowed to copy music
from one medium to another (which would include downloading), from what I
know.  Come on Steve, step in here and pay a visit!  Bill did when heard the
Government were thinking of switching to Linux :-)

Maybe with this new ex-Dell guy at the head of Apple Australia will start to
bring in some new changes to get things going.  I guess the start was the
Macworld Sydney event.  Baby steps....... :-)

