I downloaded a track from Destra music http://MusicandGames.destramusic.com (still waiting for Apple to get their act together!)

It was in wma format..wouldn't play on Windows Media player on my Imac (Panther) (says it only plays on Windows WMA player!)

 Message reads
"The content you are trying to play is restricted to Windows Media Version 7.1 and above running on Windows Operating systems"

Downloaded Easywma http://www.carrafix.com/EasyWMA/ which is supposed to convert wma to mp3.

This programme says it converts the file but it converts the title and nothing in it.

Reading further it says "Notice that EasyWMA will not convert wma audio files including DRM. For these files, EasyWMA will problably just create an empty file."

Don't have a clue what DRM is.

Anybody had better success with playing files from Destra?

Rosemary Horton