
I waited 2 days after faxing my iLife upgrade application to Apple, then called them up. 'Got a guy named Paul, who put me through to another guy called Alan.

Cool thing number 1 - Alan knew my name, and why I was calling. Normally when I get transferred to someone else in a large organisation, I have to repeat the whole story.

Cool thing number 2 - Although Alan couldn't find the application initially, he chose to seek out and find the fax, taking no more than 2-3 minutes. At no time did he blankly tell me to just 'wait and see'.

After making the initial gripe, it seemed fair to present the rest of the story. Karl, if you're reading this, and have any pull within the Oz Apple store, buy Paul and Alan a beer, or a shiny gold star (or something). I was left with the impression that a) my order is in safe hands, and b) that Apple store employees provide that little bit extra in terms of service.

I guess I'll wander along to my local Apple store this Saturday and check out what'll shortly be in the mail. iLife integrated apps rock imho.

