Meant to send it to WA Mac Teachers Group.

on 17/2/05 6:25 AM, Rod Blitvich at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dear Tanya and Deb
> What measures can we take to avoid this inequity?
> It has been suggested to me that DET has a license for Microsoft Office for
> Mac 2004. The "premium" edition of MS Office Mac contains Virtual PC.
> Could you please investigate:
> 1. Does the DET license include Virtual PC?
> 2. If so, are you able to mail out copies of Virtual PC to interested Mac
> people who could then use it to run the Partners In Learning PD software?
> This might prove a good compromise to the current discrimination.
> (of course, it won't solve my issue as I do not have an NFT notebook)
> Sincerely
> Rod Blitvich
> 17 Feb
> on 9/2/05 9:08 PM, Rod Blitvich at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Dear Tanya
>> As Head of LT at my school and a presenter at the Connected Learning
>> Conference I would like to raise the following issues:
>> 1. I have a notebook computer. It is not leased through the NFT program.
>> Am I therefore excluded from an opportunity for PD through the Partners In
>> Learning Project?
>> 2. My notebook is an Apple.
>> Does this further exclude me from this opportunity for professional
>> development?
>> 3.Over a long period of time I have shown a deep commitmnnet to both my own
>> professional development and growth in ICT and to providing opportunitiews
>> for
>> my colleagues' professional development through workshops I have presented at
>> conferences such as The Connected Learning Conference, ECAWA Conferences,
>> STAWA Conferences and after hours workshops I have hosted at my school site.
>> Do you not think it is a little inequitable that I appear to be denied the
>> opportunity to participate in this wonderful facility?
>> Sincerely
>> Rod Blitvich
>> 9/2/05

Rod BLITVICH   Head of Learning Technologies Balcatta Senior High School
Apple Educator of Excellence 2002 - 2003
Amy and Sam's Dad 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                0409 681 256


They can't fire me... Slaves have to be sold!