On 30/03/2005, at 3:48 PM, Michael Schmidt wrote:


I'm writing on behalf of my dad who's using OS 9.1 & Outlook Express 5
on a stand-alone machine with an external modem that he switches on

He is unable to get his email from his dial-up account with the
following message being displayed: "Could not retrieve mail from
OptusNet. A network error has occurred -3155"

Until a couple of days ago all seemed ok.

He has contacted OptusNet Customer Service but their adice to him is to
reinstall Outlook Express. I'm not sure such drastic measures are needed
and in the meantime I'm getting him to use webmail, meaning he can use
the web okay.

Anyone have any suggestions as to where I can start
pinpointing/resolving what's wrong?

You may need to Trash the Outlook Express Preferences and then re-enter all the relevant data
concerning email address , login account, password etc.

Have fun


Thank you!

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